Southern Ocean Decade & Polar Data Forum Week 2021

Online, 20 - 24 September 2021 An Ocean Of Opportunities

3 - A productive ocean - Working Groups

How to achieve - A productive ocean supporting sustainable food supply and a sustainable ocean economy

The ocean is the foundation for future global economic development and human health and wellbeing, including food security and secure livelihoods for hundreds of millions of the world’s poorest people. Knowledge and tools to support the recovery of wild fish stocks, deploy sustainable fisheries management practices, and support the sustainable expansion of aquaculture, while protecting essential biodiversity and ecosystems, will be essential. The ocean also provides essential; goods and services to a wide range of established and emerging industries including extractive industries, energy, tourism, transport and pharmaceutical industries. Each of these sectors has specific, priority needs in terms of increased knowledge, and support to innovation, technological development and decision support tools to minimise risk, avoid lasting harm, and optimise their contribution to the development of a sustainable ocean economy. Governments also require information and tools, for example via national accounts that incorporate ocean indicators, to guide development of sustainable ocean economies and promote marine sectors.

Read the report of WG3
Add your comments directly in the report here


  • Javier Arata
    Javier A Arata is a marine Biologist, PhD in Science m. Ecology at University Austral of Chile. He started as Scientific Observer for CCAMLR at the Patagonian toothfish fishery around South Georgia in the mid-1990s. Conducted his PhD in albatross ecology and interactions with fisheries in Southern Chile, in collaboration with the Australian Antarctic Division. With his mentor, Dr Carlos Moreno, developed the first Action Plan for reducing seabird interactions with longline fisheries in Chile. Later, he carried out a Postdoc at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, conducting Hawaiian albatross population assessment. After returning to Chile, he joined the Chilean Antarctic Institute, where he led the scientific and logistic support program for Antarctic research. In parallel, he returned to CCAMLR, this time as Scientific Representative for Chile during 2009-2015. In 2016 joined the Research Center Dynamics of High Latitude Marine Ecosystems, IDEAL, of the University Austral of Chile, as Executive Manager, where he continued working in Antarctic and Subantarctic issues. In 2018, after moving to Canada, he accepted the position of Executive Officer at the Association of Responsible Krill harvesting companies, ARK, from where he has been fostering a more vital collaboration between scientists and the industry.