Customized data workflow for an interdisciplinary research project.
The EU-funded PROTECT project aims to assess and project changes in the land-based cryosphere in order to produce robust global, regional and local projections of Sea Level Rise (SLR) on a range of timescales. The project brings together SLR and cryosphere communities, whose contributions are strongly interdependent. This implies an effective data workflow that has been designed specifically for PROTECT although it can be reproduced in other projects. The workflow relies on a sequence of two processes. The internal collaboration process corresponds to the successive steps followed by the workdata: preparation, processing and sharing between partners.The preparation and processing cycles can be managed on the project server, providing an available and secure space for the partners data. The sharing cycle is supported by the project data portal developed for that purpose. The data portal is built on top of the open-source data platform CKAN. Partners have in particular the ability to share their datasets using metadata, avoiding unnecessary large file transfers. Access to working data is limited to the consortium through access rights. The second process corresponds to the data opening to enhance exploitation of the PROTECT results. It follows closely the FAIR principles and is supervised by the PROTECT scientific steering committee. It proposes among others to make the data available on the EU Zenodo platform and to attach the datasets to the PROTECT Zenodo community to ensure better visibility. This workflow has been set up by the project data manager.