Southern Ocean Decade & Polar Data Forum Week 2021

Online, 20 - 24 September 2021 An Ocean Of Opportunities

Ocean technology supporting polar science for the next decade

Andreas Marouchos, Research Group Leader, CSIRO


Andreas Marouchos is a Principal Research Engineer and Research Group Leader in the Engineering and Technology Program in the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) National Collections and Marine Infrastructure (NCMI) business unit. He provides engineering and technical support to scientists engaged in a variety of research fields across CSIRO. Andreas and his group specialise in the design of bespoke science systems and platforms for use in the marine and atmospheric research fields. This includes the design and manufacture of ship based systems and instrumentation, autonomous science platforms, and oceanographic moorings. In addition, Andreas is involved the development of new leading edge engineering technologies and methods to meet present and future engineering challenges. These projects are specifically targeted towards addressing fundamental technical and operational challenges in the development of ocean observing science platforms. The fields of study include ocean science and monitoring, mooring development, advanced materials, system autonomy, and environmental technology to support aquaculture science and industry. Andreas also leads several ongoing international collaborative efforts on technology development with partner agencies including JAMSTEC and NOAA, as well as academic partners such as MIT. He chairs the Polar Oceans Technology Committee (POTC) for the Ocean Engineering Society (OES) and has contribute to decadal planning as part of the UN Decade of Ocean Science (Polar WG6).

This session

Observing and understanding the Southern Ocean presents significant challenges due to it’s remoteness and extreme weather conditions. To address these challenges, changes in how the science community approach the development of technology and deployment of infrastructure is needed. A discussion on how the changing landscape of infrastructure investment focused on Southern Ocean observing is needed to enable a seed change in observations for the next decade. Join us for this panel discussion where we will present and discuss a potential vision for this future. Topics include: Trends in infrastructure investment, autonomy, maximising asset use / coordination, Interoperability

This session will be led by Andreas Marouchos. Two additional panel members will be joining:

Damien Guihen – Autonomy Specialist – University of Tasmania
Lloyd Symons – Polar Technology Manager – Australian Antarctic Division